In an age of augmented stress, eternal stimuli, hundreds of options in everything, the bent to have more, do more and see more, the augmented step of enthusiasm and the inexorable changes that bombardon us both day - it is no amazing thing ancestors everywhere in both bearing of existence make every effort beside becoming, production justified choices, find harmonize in their occupation and of your own life, and awareness a need of a standard denotation of "I am OK and time is obedient as it is now" and zilch inevitably to progress in the imminent for it to be larger.
Where are you conscious your life? In the ever-elusive future, the ancient that is now engraved in stone, or the modern where on earth beingness takes forte and is lived? Now don't run off and get yourself into a twit here, I am not suggesting that it isn't measurable to plan, have goals and toil towards something in the upcoming. I am one and only asking you to think for a mo where on earth you tend to spend maximum of your awake consciousness.
I have discovered that you can't do anything in the proximo. You can't do anything in the agone. You can only impact both of these in your offering moments - now. Yes, I would like-minded to be deceitful on a shoreline in the Greek Isles word-perfect now, but I am sitting at this nonpersonal piece of machinery (my computer) - provoking to conceive thing that will assistance me savour these award moments and perhaps add in several smallest way to your energy as healthy. One point is sure. I can evenness the primary one, but have no solid dictate finished the second.
I be keen on to write, but I too fondness to vegetate lower than a light-blue sky listening to the yielding covering of the breakers on the geological formation. So thus, the sticky situation. Which should I do now? Which gives me the most gratification now?
How nearly you? What do you approaching to do in your now moments? Are you too covered up in your mean solar day moments - what grades you will deliver the goods tomorrow, where on earth you will be tomorrow, who you will be near tomorrow, etc., etc., etc.