
The Amish are an orthodox sect that parted ways with the Mennonites in the late seventeenth century. Primarily, this Anabaptist sect lives in closed communities in Ohio, southeast Pennsylvania, and Canada. Considered to be a strict religious group, they refrain from interacting with others based on their religious beliefs. This sect boasts of a strong Swiss-German lineage and comprises of limited members. They are known to depend upon farming activities as a major source of sustenance and livelihood. This group of people avoids using modern amenities. This includes electricity, telecommunication services and motorized vehicles. Though it may be difficult to identify with them, they are a self-supportive group, which engages in various small businesses that reflect Amish art, culture, and tradition.

Amish log furniture is available at a number of local, lifestyle and online furniture stores. Such furniture is mostly handcrafted, and is seldom made with the help of drills and other motorized tools. For this reason, Amish log furniture is often made from a single piece of wood, which increases their value. Such furniture is usually sold under an Amish management or group, and is in itself a brand to reckon with. They offer rustic charm and frequently resemble actual stems and trunks, but are treated to make them fit for use as furniture. They may be unfinished and this adds to their distinctiveness.

Amish log furniture can be made of from a variety of hardwood and soft wood. This includes cypress, oak, hickory, red cedar, and white cedar. In order to guarantee durability and stability, Amish log furniture is built from wood types that are not damp and have been adequately dried. There is a wide range of beds, stools, barstools, coffee tables, and pie cabinets available. As they are constructed from trunks and solid stems, it is possible to build log furniture even at home, and helps augment income scopes in the Amish community.

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